Tuesday 6 October 2009

American History X and Seance on a Wet Afternoon

Today's films were the following: American History X: Brilliant brilliant film, Edward Norton's best performance me thinks, I like the use of the score, it's very, umm, dramatic, like this was Lawrence of Arabia, but it works very well especially during the end scene, Edward Furlong is less effective than Norton, but Norton is a hard act to follow when he's at his best, the use of black and white and colour is also inventive and calls to mind Tartovsky's Solaris, but this time the black and white is the past and colour is the present, before and after Norton's character gets 'better', I hear this technique is also used in Coppola's Tetro, but I ain't seen that, next film.
Seance On A Wet Afternoon: A man and woman (a fake psychic) kidnap a child of a rich family and hold her to ransom, whilst the woman acts as a psychic to tell the family where the child is, Kim Stanley is brilliantly on the edge as the woman (apologies but I rarely remember character names) her eyes dart about with suspicion, but she is kind to the daughter, the experience of losing a daughter years before has made her yearn for something else to care for, Stanley is brilliant but this film belongs to Richard Attenborough, as Stanley's long suffering husband who genuinely loves his wife but knows that he shouldn't be participating in this criminal act, his eyes full of sadness whenever he has to be a criminal and worrying for his wife's sanity, it is an understated performance that is the beating heart of the film.
Also saw Toy Story 3D, cause everyone loves Toy Story, the 3D glasses still hurt my eyes a bit but the 3D's very good.
And that is all folks, I'll be back with more tomorrow when I go to see Zombieland, see you there... oh I have no followers, well isn't this just the internet equivalent of talking to myself? seems like it, well check it out tomorrow anyway.

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