Wednesday 7 October 2009


Zombieland is a very good movie, like a box of tricks it constantly throws things at you, metaphorically as well as literally, the opening scenes are utterly astounding, they are gory, shocking and hilariously perverse all mixed with Jesse Eisenberg's witty voiceover, the opening credits are a little reminiscent of Snyder's Watchmen but it has its own frantic charm, Woody Harrelson exudes awesomeness in his role of Tallahassee and Eisenberg is like Michael Cera but his schtick hasn't worn out it's welcome yet, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin are both fine but underused, the action scenes are the best parts of the movie and the comedy is good too even though it drags a bit sometimes with pop culture references to Hannah Montana and Facebook, the fact that a zombie movie is trying to give us a message about family is a bit cloying, a film like this needs to be more mean-spirited like Raimi's recent Drag Me To Hell, so overall a fun, gory hell of a time, and be sure to look out for a very special cameo.

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